Libby Heaney: Quantum Soup
HEK Exhibition Guide

Supraphrodite (ii), 2024


The two glass objects, Supraphrodite (i) and Supra-phrodite (ii), have been newly created specifically for the context of the exhibition. Heaney describes the materiality of glass as a mirror image of quantum particles, referring specifically to temperature, though their properties are comparable. Glass liquefies when heated, while quantum particles (atoms and molecules that behave differently from the so-called solid bodies we see in the macroscopic world) liquefy and become wavelike at extremely cold temperatures. This is why quantum computers operate at temperatures of around -270 degrees Celsius.
Both glass objects consist of two transparent glass cells joined together. The glass objects produce numerous refractions and reflections from the light emanating from the video works in the space, resulting in new perspectives and viewpoints. The titles reference Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love, who, according to myth, was born out of white foam. The name «Supra» derives from the Latin prefix meaning «above» or «beyond,» which is another analogy to the theme of entanglements and dissolving boundaries in a quantum reality.

glass sculpture
Courtesy the artist